• California 94538 , USA
  • coordinator@coworkerusa.com


What types of jobs may I expect?

Part time Digital Marketing , WordPress, Mobile Development

How much pay can I expect?

$30 to $70/hr+

How many hours do I have to work?

15 to 20 hrs/week after office hours/weekends

How many projects can I handle simultaneously?

1-3 projects

If I handle more than one project at the same time -will I get more money?

Yes, that will be increased.

In how much time can I expect a job?

People have been getting interview calls within a week and getting jobs in 2-4 weeks. We guarantee 2-5 interviews in 3 months, else 10% refund. We will train for attending interviews in 2-3 weeks

Do we have an agreement?

Yes we will have one agreement with you and one agreement with a client.

Do I have to pay for training?

Minimum registration fee around the cost of lunch may apply. The Training Sessions will be absolutely FREE.

Do you provide post job support?

Yes, that is our speciality. We are your LifeLong Coworker.

Do I have to go onsite?

In most cases you will be working remotely from your home.

Having more queries? Feel free to chat with our chat support anytime!

Need help?

Easy solutions for all your IT problems, keep business safe & ensure high availability.